Control of termites that penetrate or breach a Trithor component and that are the responsibility of Ensystex to control shall be controlled according to the method of control chosen by Ensystex. All repair, remediation and replacement of Compliant Damage performed according to and/or on account of this Warranty shall be performed at the direction and expense of Ensystex. Ensystex shall not be responsible for reimbursement or other compensation for the repair, remediation or replacement of Compliant Damage when the repair, remediation or replacement is performed or otherwise arranged for by the Property Owner or some other third party (including a Trithor Authorised Operator) not working under the authority and direction of Ensystex, unless prior to performance of such repair, remediation or replacement, written authorisation for such repair, remediation or replacement was received from Ensystex. The responsibility of Ensystex to perform repairs to the Covered Property shall be limited in scope to the repair, remediation or replacement of components of the Covered Property that Ensystex deems necessary to correct or remedy the effects on the Covered Property of any Compliant Damage. The valuation of Loss shall be computed from the following formula. Loss = cost of the materials and labour (at prevailing local per hour wage rates) deemed necessary by Ensystex to correct or remedy the effects of the Compliant Damage plus applicable taxes, permits and insurance plus twenty five percent for overhead.
During the inspection and authentication of any Compliant Damage to the Covered Property, Ensystex will not be responsible for creating openings to and/or dismantling any part of the Covered Property directly upon which no visible evidence of Compliant Damage is found by Ensystex. Any repairs by Ensystex to the Covered Property will be performed to match, as close as reasonably possible, the existing fit, finish and appearance of the damaged area of the Covered Property. If any part or component of an item of decor (e.g. paint, tile, flooring, wallpaper, panelling, moulding, trim, siding, roofing, brick, finishes, etc.) of the Covered Property sustains Compliant Damage or is damaged during the repair of Compliant Damage, Ensystex will make a reasonable effort during repair or replacement of this part or component of this item of decor to match it to existing, similar, undamaged parts or components of this item of decor. However, Ensystex will not be responsible for repairing and/or replacing undamaged parts or components of the item of decor in order that they exactly and indistinguishably match parts or components of the item that were repaired or replaced. During the performance of repairs, Ensystex, in lieu of removing and replacing any damaged component of the Covered Property, can instead, at its option, reinforce and/or reconstruct the component or part of the Covered Property containing the component in such a way that the structural purpose of the component is preserved, supplemented or transferred to another component, existing or installed by Ensystex, provided that the area of the Covered Property that contains such component shall have an appearance after repair, when viewed from the exterior or interior living spaces of the Covered Property, similar to its appearance before it was damaged.